HTML Final Exam
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Create a folder in the HTML folder on your desktop, name it trees, and save all information to that folder to complete the assignment. Your webpage will be about Arbor Day. You need only one link from the homepage and you can use any graphics you have in any folder as long as you copy them to the new folder.
Remember to use ALL the resources available to you that Ms. Metteauer gave you.
You need a homepage. 25 pts.________
One link about any of the additional information available on the Arbor Day link. 15 pts.______
You need one graphic from the Arbor Day page on each page (2) 20 pts_______
You will need to show some creativity for 20 pts.______
You need a HR line for 10 pts.______
Folder on desktop named TREES 10 pts.______
When you are done, please let Ms Sharp know and
after she has graded the webpage, she will direct you to the written quiz about