West Rusk Health Services
Keeping Children Healthy,
Always Supporting Student Success

West Rusk Health and

Wellness Plan
WR Wellness Plan 2021

SHAC Information Required_Immunizations _Parent_Letter English Link for Tobacco Cessation ; Link for Asthma Wellness
Medication Procedures Request to Administer Medication at School Form Seizure Management and Treatment Plan Form  
School Health Advisory Report to Board 2021 SHAC Report

SHAC Minutes 2021

Google Document Health Form Link

Meagan Wriggle
Director of Health Services at West Rusk
903-392-7850 Ext. 4109


Ginger Fulgham
Nurse - Part Time
903-392-7850 Ext. 1160

The Health Services Department at West Rusk believes there is a strong connection between students' academic achievement and their overall health and well being.  West Rusk school nurses enable students to feel safe and to be supported with their acute, chronic, episodic and emergency medical needs.  This allows students to be present on campus and to be active participants in their instructional time to maximize their educational experience and future success.


West Rusk nurses provide acute, chronic, episodic and emergent care to students and staff.  The Registered Nurse's  expertise in clinical assessment and critical thinking skills enable the RN to:


    1. Provide care and support to students to maximize time in the classroom
    2. Reduce the number of students sent home unnecessarily
    3. Provide appropriate nursing interventions and community referrals to maximize time in instruction
    4. Provide follow up care within the school setting to reduce absences
    5. Reduce spread of contagious illnesses, resulting in fewer sick days for students and staff.

Of students seen in the school clinics, usually less than 10% are sent home, referred to a physician, or referred to the emergency room.  Nurses have been able to treat and return usually 90% of students back to the classroom for continued instruction.


The administration of medications at school allows students to remain at school and continue with their  instructional day.  The responsibility for the administration of medications is taken very seriously.  The Health Services Medication Guidelines are strictly enforced and are governed by The Board of Nursing, The Texas Department of State Health Services, The Pharmacy Board, The Texas Medical Association, The Texas Education Code and School Board policies.  The Health Services staff provides training for school staff  responsible for administering medications as assigned by the principals in the nurse's absence.  The nurses' medication knowledge extends to signs and symptoms of overdose, allergic reactions, conflicts with other medications, contraindications, and side effects.  School nurses often contact parents, physicians, and pharmacies regarding the effects and problems with medications.


Many students throughout the district require the services of the school nurse in order to remain in the school setting.  Specialized nursing care has afforded these students and their families the ability to participate as fully as possible in the enrichment of the school environment.  Specialized nursing procedures include tube feedings, ostomy care, catheterizations, nebulizer treatments, and glucose monitoring for diabetics.


Not all health concerns are dealt with on a daily basis.  West Rusk nurses monitor student health concerns throughout the year and initiate contact with parents, local healthcare providers, and other community resources to discuss student progress and needs.  School nurses also work closely with teachers and other school personnel to ensure students' health concerns are being addressed in the classroom.  Staff members are helped as well.  Health concerns include Allergies, Anaphylaxis, ADHD, Asthma, Autism, Cardiac Disease, Diabetes, Anxiety, Eyes/Ears/Nose/Throat, Hypertension, Intestinal/digestive, Skin, Migraines, Muscular, Orthopedic, Pregnancy, Psychiatric disorder, Respiratory, Seizures, Sickle Cell, Vision impaired, Down's Syndrome.


Hearing, Vision, and Spinal screenings are mandated by the Texas Department of State Health Services under the Health and Safety Code.  The nurses utilize an organized mass screening method at school which allows for minimal out of class time for students and provides the necessary time for the school nurse to complete referrals and assist families in locating care.  The RN assists students of families in need to obtain free eye exams and free glasses through VSP vision care providing certain criteria is met.  Dental and Lice screenings as well as Blood Pressure monitoring for students and staff are common, and Diabetic screenings are also done at the same time when Spinal screenings are done.

Immunization Exceptions, Requirements and Suggestions (TX DoHS)

HB 1059 80th Legislature
This bill requires school districts with website capabilities to post information relating to immunizations exceptions, required and suggested immunizations for school age children, information on health clinics offering vaccines and links to the DSHS website. Information should be available in English and Spanish.

Immunization Awareness (Education Code, §38.019, as amended by HB 1059 (80th Legislature))

Vaccine Requirements


Flu Information
  Bacterial Meningitis Information



West Rusk nurses work diligently with parents all year round and especially at the beginning of school to make sure all students have the immunizations required by the state in order to attend Texas schools.
Monitoring immunization records and having high compliance rates reduces the potential for loss of instructional time due to illness and from preventable communicable diseases.


One of the major goals of the Health Services Department at West Rusk is the provision of health education and disease prevention to students and staff through:


    1. Classroom instruction by school nurses to students in:


      Hygiene and Good Health Habits
      Nutrition and Exercise
      Heart Health
      Dental Health
      Over-the-counter Medicine Safety
      Safety on Field Trips/Playground
      Tobacco Prevention

    2. Daily clinic interactions with students that teach self care and responsibility for one's health
    3. Staff Wellness/Weight Programs
    4. Educational Health-Related Posters in each clinic
    5. Staff Instruction on Blood-Borne Pathogens, Influenza and Disease Prevention
    6. Staff Instruction on Suicide Prevention
    7. Training of staff on Anaphylaxis, Diabetes, Seizures, and Asthma to ensure safety of all students
    8. Flu Prevention, Flu Vaccines are offered to all employees at West Rusk


School nurses are on the front lines of disease surveillance.  West Rusk nurses monitor and report communicable diseases such as Chickenpox, Pertussis, Meningitis, Influenza and Staph Infections to local authorities.  Flu like illness and absences are reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services in Rusk County.

West Rusk School Nurses
Helping to Keep Students Healthy
So They Can Learn, Grow, and Succeed.